Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Wolf Woes presents "Halloween haunted house spooktacular."


Wolf Woes presents "Halloween haunted house spooktacular."

It was a rainy Friday night and Lilith was about to go to bed when… she saw out her window the old house next door's light turned on…

How very strange… Lilith thought to herself. That old house was abandoned for years and… haunted……….

The hose was one of those old houses with bug windows and wooden walls. It sat on a big hill that had a graveyard in it. One time Lilth saw a scray figure standing in the window, but… that is impossible as the man who lived there was murdered and died there 50 years ago…………..

Lilith was brave and has to get to the bottom of the haunted house mustery! She climbed out her window with a sheet and went up to the house…..

It’d was dark and wet and scary. Suddenly, she was startled by something and she screamed…. But it was only a bat flying out of the window. “Phew” Lilith said with relief and she walked up the creaky wood stairs up to the big door with spider webs on it.

Lilith entered the dark and creaky house full of cobwebs and dust and she heard something……. Or someone…….. They said “Cuurururururururursseeeeessssssssss!” Lilith jumped with scare and she couldnt leave the house as the door was locked now and the windows were covered in blood. She then looked up at the staircase where she saw a see-through wolf man dressed in a war uniform from the wolf woars from 50 years ago. He was carrying a big sword and had red glowing eyes. 

Lilith screamed trying to escape and pleaded for him to spare her life. “Please dont kill me! Ill do anything! Ill be your friend, ill clean your house anything!” She cired. The ghost wolf stopped and looked at her with his red and eyes and said “Friend?” his red eyes turned blue as he started crying. “Im so lonely and thats all i eva wanterd.” he sobbed and howeld at the moon in the window. Lilith cried too and they both howled together. “I will be your friend.”

Lilith learned that day not to judge a book by it’s cover and everyone just wants a friend, even scary ghosts. The end.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Wolf Woes chatpet 1

 BLURB: Poor Lilith. All the other wolves think she is too different and will never be normal like them. Do they even know or care about what they say to her at all? Lilith may be an endangered greenland wolf but she just wants to be axeppted.


Lilith Furraro was not like the other wolfs at Howling moon high scool.. All the other wolds were siberian wolfs with blond hair that dressed in slutty pink dresses and did smoking in the girls bathroom. 

Unlike the other wolfs lilith was the only green wolf girl at school becose she was an endangered species greenland wolf. The furraro wolfs were the last of theyre kind. Lilith also has a sister named Iris who is dark green and dating the evil black wolf demon named lordy who is a demon wolf from hell who worships satan and smokes evil cigarttes. He is always listening to evil music with the screams of satan. Lordy is mean to lilith all the time.

Lilith was a nice girl. She never smoked never said bad words and didnt kiss boys. The other wolf girls were mean to lilith because she did not have the latest pink dresses or posters of the ‘wolf pack six pack boys’ in her locker like everyone else.

Suddenly a basketball wolf ran into lilith. “Watch it, green snot loser!” He huffled and stormed off with his basketball making Lilith cry. Howling moon high school was hell for lilith as everyone was mean to her, but that was about to change…

A new wolf girl came to school. She is a siberian wolf with red hair in a purple dress named mary. She came up to lilith one day at lunch time and said. “Hello, i’m new here, want to be friends?” lilith smiled and said yes and they ate lunch together. 

Dingdingdingidigne the bell rang and it was now time for art class now.. Lilith loved painting green wolfs every day… but something awful happened today… the teacher mrs brushels got angry with lilith and shouted at her for not painting boring oceans like all the other wolfs did. All the wolfs laughed at her and bullied her and lilith cried. 

The next day things got worse………………… lilith saw Mary with blond hair hanging out with the popular wolfs laughing about her. “Mary! How could you ditch me and become one of them!” she sobbed to marry. Mary said “your not my friend anymore, your a snotty green loser and i want to be popular.”

Now lilith was on her own again. 

To be continued. 

Wolf Woes presents "Halloween haunted house spooktacular."

  Wolf Woes presents "Halloween haunted house spooktacular." It was a rainy Friday night and Lilith was about to go to bed when… s...